Nixie Blue Wonderland

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Big Blast of Light

I always love this picture.
I took this picture last month when I took the last train to Depok.
It was quiet and not crowded.
Just nice and space-y.
And I thought it would be better to take a shoot in black and white nuance.
And it turned out just perfect.
It came out like a big blast of light coming out of the engine room.
It looked like the train was kidnapped by the alien, bought to the aliens spaceship and with big blast of light, the aliens removed our memories and out conscience.
Kinda dramatic. But I love it.
The lighting was unexpected. And so was the fact that no one, not even a single person, had the heart to give the seat to the standing lady. ckk..cckk..ckk!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Case Suspended

Case#: 002
Investigator: 1. Agent Ijey (Kota Division)
2. Agent Nixie(Sudirman Division)

Code Name : Alex a.k.a Snobby Snobberson
Departure : Depok Baru
Occupation: Questioned
Office : BII Tower 1
Feature: Snob,
suspicious,not friendly.
Gadget : Jeans Jacket, Glasses, Chicken Soup Book
Status : Suspectedly married; with one child aged 4;

Case Status: Suspended. Due to the prediction that he is married, having one child but he's rarely ever give the seat to his wife and acts like they are still dating.

(picture from yahoo avatar)

Case Closed!

Case#: 001
Investigator: 1. Agent Ijey (Kota Division)
2. Agent Nixie(Sudirman Division)

Code Name : Sam a.k.a ***man
Departure : Depok Baru
Occupation: Broker
Office : Kuningan
Gadget : Sony Ericsson MP3Cellphone,Red-Black jacket, Glasses
Status : Married(Ha!Ha!Ha!.Pain in the neck)).Found out today June 7th,2006

Case Status: CASE CLOSED.

(picture from yahoo avatar)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

My Happy Orange Friend

Senangnya punya temen baru.
Seekor makhluk kuning-orange yang senyum terus.
Sebenernya gue udah ngincer si orange ini dari 2 minggu yang lalu. Kemaren nggak terlalu tertarik. tapi lama-lama pas lewat bolak-balik di depan dia, gue nggak tahan. Akhirnya gue beli juga si boneka kucing lucu ini. Gue pengen ngasih namanya Si Eng-Eng, kaya mediang kucing gue yang berumur 19 tahun yang tewas ketabrak motor tak bertanggungjawab.

Gendutnya sih mirip si Eng Eng. Caranya membuat gue terhibur juga sama.
Jadilah gue menobatkan dia bernama Eng-Eng Junior alias Eng-Eng alias (Ke)Cut (A)Pek Mandi (Dong) Mpus Eng-Eng Ek Tuyul(Ini nama original si Eng-Eng dulu). Enggak banget ya.

Just in case you'll ever wonder kenapa namanya si Eng-Eng kok kaya gitu, marilah kita lihat asal usulnya:

Cut Pek= Berawal dari di temukannya si Eng-Eng kecil di tong sampah belakang rumah. So pasti doski rada bau-bau gemana getoo.Okeh. Next.
Mandi dong Mpus=Ya itu saran aja sih buat Eng-Eng.

Eng-Eng=Habis makan doski mengeluarkan suara-suara aneh semacam: Eeeng-Eeeeng...Eeng...

Ek'= Kemudian suara : Ek"!
Tuyul= Mungkin karena warnanya abu-abu. (Lho?)

Nggak jelas sih memang. Tapi begitulah adanya.

Si Eng-eng dan Eng-Eng Junior punya sifat yang sama. Menghibur gue. Kalo dulu gue masih kecil gue suka nangis, Si Eng-Eng selalu datang mendekati gue, sambil bersuara pelan: Eeeng-eeng...(maksudnya: Jangan nangis dong...I always knew that.) Nah, dengan si Eng-Eng Junior ini , kalo gue sedih, well, gue tinggal lihat muka riangnya, dan gue bisa tersenyum lagi.

So enjoy our smile!

Pasukan Bazar BII

Ini dia nih Pasukan Belanja Bazar BII.
Abis kerja, belanja, kecapean, duduk-duduk di Kolam Bersuara Lautan, terus foto-foto deh.

Dari kiri ke kanan: Nixie, Qwoels, Chichi, Belinda, Abam(Shintya) dan Corry.